This Is A Completely New Novel - My First Venture Outside Of The Realm Of The Perception Is Reality Series In A Long Time!  

What would you do if someone unintentionally discovered that cell phones emit a new kind of radiation, one that could likely be dangerous to you - BUT when the discoverers attempt to observe and repeat their findings, the data changes - almost as if the data KNEW it was being observed... and altered itself with the observation?

Sound odd?  Welcome to the world of QUANTUM PHYSICS, the oddest thing yet discovered in the Natural Universe.  Does the concept seem weird or something of an unnatural phenomenon?  Watch the video below and... allow your eyes to open up W I D E.  

You've just taken your first step into different journey.  "Cell Off" is walking on that path with you now.  Let's get 'wide-eyed' together, shall we?  But first take a look at that smart cell phone of yours and ask yourself just how much you know about how it REALLY works.

And while you're thinking about it, just HOW SMART... it? 

"CELL OFF" should be complete sometime in 2017!    

Check Back Here From Time To Time For Updates! 


Fred Gibson, Jr